Embarking on a New Anthology

Over the last several months, we thought…why not write and publish a new collection of short stories and poems? It seemed the time was right. An anthology might offer inspiration in challenging times, mingling with the community, and fostering connections.

The Pilgrimage of Writing Out West

I often wonder where I would have been in my life if it weren’t for writing. What I do know is that writing has been good for me. It’s a pilgrimage to a holy place of creativity, discovery, and learning.

Winter’s Gospel of Comfort and Time

This weekend, I attended the celebration service for Absalom Jones, the first African American Episcopal priest ordained in Philadelphia in 1802. As the choral group of young girls and boys sang in the high-ceiling cathedral with windows showcasing snow-draped fields, I remarked to my friend, “I can’t believe I was ever that young. They haveContinue reading “Winter’s Gospel of Comfort and Time”

A Retrospective of Writers

Christmas is a joyous time because it coincides here in the Northeast with colder and cloudier days that force indoor time and introspection. It’s a teaching time, learning to value what we have, as well as appreciating that all of us have so much in common. That, after all, is the human condition and theContinue reading “A Retrospective of Writers”